In our free time, I have been checking out some cool places in the city with some other folks. We have biked around the canals, which are very cute and many of them are lined with flower boxes and bikes. We also found some incredible parks with ponds and creeks. Because of these parks, people could go kayaking 50 feet from their front door, and if that’s not a reason to give up a bit of your yard for higher density cities then I don’t know what is. We biked to the Rietveld Schröder House as well, it was pretty cool but I think perhaps my more architecturally minded parents might have found it more interesting than I did. Though, I did enjoy getting to pet the neighbor’s cat! Our next stop was the Nijntje Museum. Nijntje, or Miffy in English, is a little rabbit from a children’s book series. She is a bit like the Netherlands’ Elmo. Each book teaches kids about topics such as gardening, biking, or honesty. The museum was aimed at small children but it was still very cute. There was even a room that taught kids about streets and was set up a little bit like a traffic garden. Later in the evening we found the Ganzenmarkt Tunnel, an underground light display of sorts.
My favorite thing from Utrecht was the DOM Cathedral. The cathedral used to be connected to the DOM tower, however, when a hurricane blew down the middle portion they were disconnected. I don’t remember the exact context, but there was a point at which the religion practiced in the church changed. When this happened, they wanted to remove the statues in the church but they were to heavy to take out so instead they broke off all of the faces. This was very cool and a little bit chilling to see.